OK, so it's been 3 months since my last post... my apologies! I've been having to deal with some other issues which I won't get into, but I'm happy to say there has been some resolve - PHEW! So here are just a few uypdates...
Imua Family Services (Rachel & Beth) decided to put together a new Ds support group for all the new families on Maui. Our first meeting was a success (September) welcoming 4 new families (Marcus, Idalia, Eden &
Sylas). Being around all these beautiful angels & their families was such a blessing!

About 2 years ago I began breaking out with this bout of eczema on my arms and other parts of my aging body, when suddenly 2 months ago it somehow mananged to land on my lower left eyelid (according to my dermo). The ointment I received burned the heck out of my eye and then about a week later it became inflamed and irritated. My regular dr informed me it was an infection and put me on a 7day oral & topical antibiotic rx. NO results after 10 days, so off to the opthamologist I went. It's not infected (it never was) so stop the antibiotics immediately and start with the steroid ointment - 48 hours later it's 95% better. I missed a week of work, but I don't miss the stares!